Tasting Notes

"re-booting the kitchen"

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Fork and Gobble It #1

Fork and Gobble It
A food and wine blog
Edition #1
Grilled Cheesus!

A short homage to fromage.  The quintessential comfort food, the Grilled Cheese Sandwich.  Whether it was the slices of Kraft American Singles melted between two slices of Wonder Bread that mom used to make for you, (and probably pair with Campbell's Tomato Soup) or something more lofty, like Comte and a homemade seven grain, there is a something about it that says "It's gonna be okay.".

That toasted bread and gooey cheese can chase away the blues, warm a damp rainy day, and always taste just right.

The sandwich has gone through an evolution in my kitchen.  Where once I started out with margarine and a Teflon pan, now I can take a little pride in a well seasoned skillet or griddle.  I love playing scavenger hunt in the refrigerator to see what there is to piece together.  I rarely start out in the supermarket thinking about making this.  It's when I'm looking around in the fridge and I see some Manchego, a baguette or boule, and maybe some roasted vegetables or chile peppers and they start whispering to me.

It isn't something I like to rush anymore either.  Watching the bread toast slowly and the steam rising through the sliced loaf melt the cheese.  You can just see how good it's going to be long before you bite into it.  And it never gets old.  It's never the same sandwich twice.  I can use olive oil, or butter, or even Hellman's Mayonnaise as I recently found out, even the cooking medium adds it's own element.

The last one was the final piece of Cabot Habanero Cheddar, some leftover avocado, and sliced tomato on whole wheat.  As I bit into it's spicy, creamy goodness, I thought, this stuff can fix just about anything.

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